Smart Enterprise Ecovillages
Job Creation meets Regenerative Agriculture meets Affordable Housing meets Smart Cities meets Green Energy Generation meets Fractionalised Property Investment meets Impact Investment meets High Tech (IoT, AI, Blockchain) meets Regulated Investment meets Innovative Housing Finance meets Social Services meets Small Business Incubation meets Skills Training meets Young Farmer Start ups
Wild Community is a blockchain powered Smart Enterprise Ecovillage (SEV) global investment fund and foundation. We are planning our initial crowd funding and a Security Token Offering (STO). We create healthy communities with a dream big enough for all of life. We value people, nature and our wildness.
We secure land in Trust and Steward it for our future. In the process we create ecovillages, permaculture farms, regenerate forest, create social enterprises and micro businesses, help young farmers get a start, localise food production, provide affordable housing, boost local economies, run retreats and wellness programs and much more. All while providing a return to our security token holders.
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What is Wild Community?
Wild Community consists of five components:
1. The Wild Community Fund creating villages in developed areas, providing attractive impact investment returns and donating 20% of profits and free use of IP to the Foundation
2. The Wild Community Foundation creates social impact in areas most needed
3. A global Network of Wild Community Ecovillages – Independent interconnected communities of people

4. Supported by The Wild Community Solutions Hub providing services, education, coaching, business incubation, a design centre of excellence and Impact Assessment
5. Four Technology Stacks Providing Design and Implementation excellence
Smart Enterprise Ecovillages
Each village is a combination of housing, forest regeneration, farming, farm processing, business centre, circular-waste-to-resource management, energy production, governance and exchange. Villages are smart as they incorporate blockchain and IOT (internet of things) technologies to manage systems such as renewable power generation, power consumption, exchange within the villages and wider communities and contributions from residents. We use technology is a healthy way. Sure things are smart but not in ways that will damage humans and the environment and not in ways the will reduce people’s rights to privacy or self determination. Villages are also biologically smart using only proven regenerative biological systems for land regeneration, farming, water and circular waste-to-resource management that are interconnected to produce a thriving ecosystem providing increased biodiversity, resilience, carbon sequestration, high yield organic food production and clean water.
Wild Community’s “Village-in-a-Box Architecture” provides a blueprint for all Village systems from electronic to biological to human that can simply be applied to the village or customised to suit particular village cultures. Several blockchains, IoT, Artificial Intelligence and big data technologies are combined to provide a digital monitoring and control hub so that village systems can self-manage, learn, evolve and improve the management of both human, physical and digital systems. These learnings can then be shared across the network of villages. Evolving technologies such as 3D printing, drones and autonomous vehicles have been allowed for in the village architecture and will be incorporated as they mature. Innovation labs and maker facilities will be integrated into villages where appropriate.
The Natural Living Centre
Live – Work – Learn – Create – Eat – Play – Grow
The Natural Living Centre is our flagship / archetype Smart Village that uses a new design pattern for living, learning, work, play, and stewardship of land, communities and bioregions. It is a fully featured deep immersion regenerative living design and education smart ecovillage. Designed for 200 in habitants on 40+ Hectares (100+ acres).
See more information here

Wild Community’s Community Hub provides back office services, education, coaching and impact measurement to villages. Services include admin, legal, marketing and bookkeeping. Education is provided to participants in all areas of the village life – on both natural and human processes – young farmers are trained and mentored. Coaching is available in areas of excellence such as design, holistic management, permaculture, governance and more. Each village, and Wild Community as a whole, has impact goals which are measured, reviewed and updated on a regular basis providing a continuous feedback loop to improve all aspects of the villages and their impacts on the surrounding area. Wild Community’s Impact is assessed using the true cost accounting model2 which recognizes six types of capital – Financial, Manufactured, Intellectual, Human, Social and Relational and Natural capital. This provides us with a truly holistic view of our performance.
The Community Hub

Our Design Principles
The design philosophy borrows from a number of great traditions where humans work with nature as stewards. These are traditions such as Rudolf Steiner’s Biodynamics, Bill Mollison’s Permaculture, Otto Schmitt and Janine Benyus’s Biomimicry, Darren Doherty’s Regrarian Agriculture, holistic management and regenerative agriculture, the sociocracy, innovation and maker movements and the shift to decentralised distributed organisations and true cost accounting. First nations concepts of stewardship, decisions made for the next 7 generations, right relationship and natural intelligence guide the design. The design principles enable a flourishing thriving social tapestry, increased human and environmental wellness and a shift from a global consumptive economy to local regenerative economy.
Our Team Members
Turiya Bruce
Art and BeautyArtist. Poet, Mother, Art teacher, Event Organiser, Graphic Designer, Public Art Designer,Project...
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Shaunti Kiehl
Environmental Science / Animal RehabilitationEnvironmental Science / Animal Rehabilitation
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Geoff Chambers
Civil EngineeringGeoff, a highly experience civil engineer, has always been interested in sustainable living and...
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Rebecca Perinchief
Syntropic FarmingInnovative community activator creating an empowered regenerative living culture. This passion is...
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Cristelle Maurin
Advisor - SustainabilityResearch Fellow at Monash University Sustainable Development Institute.
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Mike New
CEO and FounderCommunity Creator. Ecovillage Fanatic. Activist. Strategy and Coordination.
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