Vegan Lifestyle EcoVillage

Vegan Lifestyle EcovillageAustralia Northern Rivers NSW

An ecovillage for vegan living. Establish and operated with vegan principles and values.

Key Features

    1. Vegan lifestyle enforced by community agreements
    2. Beautiful village landscape – permacultured and regenerated, forests and lakes
    3. Nurturing eco-cabin accommodation – both long and short term
    4. Local organic food garden
    5. Low impact living
    6. Green energy

Contact usExpress your interest in participating in this project

Please reach out if you have land, capital, ecovillage skills or knowledge or have a strong desire in being a resident in our Ecovillage project.

Wild Community Ecovillages – Michael New – 02-8006-2525 or +61 492829298 –

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