Mark FrazierRegen Villages, Smart Cities, Environment

Areas of expertise
- Special Economic Zones and Free Cities
- Digital Philanthropy
- EcoVillages and Tiny House Communities
- Universal Membership Grassroots Associations
- On-Demand Learning
- B.A., Harvard University (1974)
- Visiting Fellow, Lehrman Institute (1979)
Mark Frazier is Chairman of the Startup Societies Foundation and president of Openworld, a nonprofit research and volunteer network specializing in innovative ways to remove barriers to entrepreneurship. He has worked in 50+ countries over the past three decades on special economic zones and market-based learning initiatives in projects funded by private philanthropists, the World Bank, USAID, and local and global developers.
Mark’s current projects include assisting contract-based communities, with a focus on land trusts and “Endowment Zones” to vest residents as beneficiaries of rising land values. Earlier in his career, he was publisher and managing editor of Reason magazine, and cofounder of the Local Government Center, springboard for Reason Foundation’s research and consulting practice on non-governmental approaches to service delivery.
- Book coauthor: Founding Startup Societies (2019) (Book Link)
- Peer reviewed journal article: “Emergence of a New Hanseatic League,” Chapman Law Review, 2019
- Book contributor: Brazil and the Emergence of a Digital Lusosphere (Valnora Leister, ed.), Lexington Press, 2018
- Author of “Seeding Grass Roots Recovery,” ACIR, 1989 (Book Link)
- Other publications at (Publications Link)