Wild Community's Land Selection CriteriaCreating place based living
This document provides a list of considerations for when buying or leasing land. It helps to ensure all aspects of the land has been considered. You can set what your ideal requirement for each criteria is and then compare it objectively with what is actually on the land. The list of considerations is not complete, so use it add any extra items to the list. If you do have any additions or suggested changes please feed them back to us so we can improve this for everyone by going to Contact or by making comments on the googledocs.
This document is currently written from a perspective of selecting land for any use. We are keen to develop a village specific version of it. It is focused on Australian considerations though most of the criteria is applicable wherever you are. Some criteria may be Australian specific and some considerations in your location may not be addressed. If you’d like to create a version for where ever you are then we’d love you to share it with us so that we can share it with others.
Creative Commons All content in these documents is licensed under under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Link to the License
Contact usExpress your interest in participating in this project
Please reach out if you have land, capital, ecovillage skills or knowledge or have a strong desire in being a resident in our Ecovillage project.
Wild Community Ecovillages – Michael New – 02-8006-2525 or +61 492829298 – mike@wildcommunity.org